Peace Lutheran Church, Greencastle

Bible Studies
Sundays 9-10 a.m.
Wednesdays 10-11:30 a.m.
Every Sunday at 9 a.m. - prior to the Divine Service - many in the congregation gather in our fellowship hall for Bible Study. Books are read. Verses discussed. And meanings explored. What a great eye-opener for the first day of the week! Come. Join us.
Each Wednesday at 10 a.m., a Small Group Study explores biblical truths and Holy Mysteries.
The study provides an excellent forum for mid-week revitalization and fellowship. Welcome. Our doors are open to all who want to learn more about God’s word, Christ’s work and His plan for Eternal Life.
Catechism Class/Inquirers’ Class
Youth Catechism Classes meet in the pastor's office after Sunday's worship service.
Confirmation Class for 6th through 9th grade students meets in the pastor’s office after Sunday’s worship service. Course-work centers on Luther’s Small Catechism. Students study key Bible verses and major areas of faith:
Ten Commandments
Apostle’s Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
Office of the Keys
Sacrament of the Altar
An adult Inquirers’ Class may be arranged through the pastor. Contact the church office. If you are exploring membership, this class will help you make an informed decision. If you are a new member, understandings found here are foundational.
(Even some longtime Lutherans could benefit from a “refresher” course.)
Scripture Alone
We believe the Bible is God’s inerrant and infallible Word. Through Holy Scripture, God reveals His Law and Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Scripture alone is the sole rule and basis for Christian doctrine.